Middle School Years 7 – 9

At Boronia K12 College, we know our students as learners and look for ways to ensure they achieve the best possible educational outcome.

As students transition into secondary schooling at Boronia K12 College, they experience an academically challenging and differentiated curriculum that is designed to allow them to demonstrate their ability and progress in their learning.

Our Year 7 to 9 programs build strong foundations for future success. Core literacy and numeracy skills are emphasised in all subjects across the curriculum but also targeted for support and enrichment in weekly classes. To support students to demonstrate voice and agency in their learning, as well as follow their passions, we offer a broad elective program with students exercising choice in which electives they pursue.

Year 7

In Year 7 at Boronia K12 College, the focus is on supporting a strong transition into life in secondary school. Throughout this transition process, students learn to navigate the secondary school space where they move between classrooms, engage with different teachers and classes, and manage their resources.

Year 8

In Year 8 at Boronia K12 College, students engage in learning activities that consolidate and extend the skills they developed in Year 7. Students are fostered in their growing independence, with staff supporting them to be engaged and active participants in all areas of school life.

Year 9

In Year 9 at Boronia K12 College, students begin preparing for life in Senior School, building a strong sense of community as a cohort through activities within the B-Connected Program. They also have the opportunity to become Middle School Captains, becoming part of the leadership team within Student Voice.

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