These are incorporated into the program with minimal cost to parents and will be organised at the discretion of the Teacher.
It has been agreed that an excursion will only be held if it is directly connected with the needs and interests of the children, and will be a valuable learning experience. For the Kindergarten children to get maximum benefit out of the planned excursion, toddlers are unable to
Involvement with Boronia K-12 College
During the year we will be taking part in combined activities with the primary students, including:
- Special excursions and events such as Education Week, Book Week and Literacy and Numeracy Week
- Use of the school facilities e.g. library, art room, P.M.P. equipment, hall & oval
- Participation in concerts and assemblies
This will assist the children with their school transition program by showing the children areas such as playgrounds, toilets, library, classrooms etc. Seeing these things with their familiar peers and Kinder teachers will be a positive experience for the children.
If at any time you come to the kinder to pick up your child early and we are on a school visit please see Fran in the office and she will be able to locate us for you.
Parents who have a child participating in the program are always welcome to assist during the day but you will require a Working With Childrens Check card. This is easily obtained by filling in a form available at your local post office. Parents are also required to sign into the visitor attendance book which is located next to the children’s sign in book in the foyer. This time spent in the ELC is very important to you and your child. It gives you the opportunity to observe your child at play with his/her peers; to share your child’s experiences first hand; and to informally discuss your child’s development and progress with the teachers