At Boronia K-12 College, we endeavour to provide an inclusive and positive learning environment for all our students.
Student Wellbeing at Boronia K-12 refers to the promotion and maintenance of effective learning, positive mental health, good physical health as well as the social wellbeing of students within our care.
Boronia K-12 College will provide a safe, supportive and stimulating environment that engages and challenges students and adults to love learning, experience success and be effective and caring members of the global community. To achieve this goal, parents/guardians or school staff may refer students for wellbeing support, or students may request wellbeing support.
The focus of the wellbeing program is to support students to better understand the world they live in and make decisions that support them to live fulfilling lives. There is no cost for wellbeing support provided by the wellbeing team at Boronia K-12 College.
The focus of the counselling or mentoring sessions that students agree and have consent to participate in, will come from a position of positive help seeking behaviour, psychoeducation, goal setting and trauma informed practice (Berry Street Education Model). The expectation of students is to actively engage in sessions with an open mind and willingness to complete tasks to work towards a positive outcome. If a student is not engaging productively in sessions, the wellbeing team will raise the concern with the student, parent or guardian. The wellbeing team will assess possible alternatives, or cease supports. Students can be re-referred later, if needed.
We have developed a formalised student wellbeing structure which includes a dedicated student wellbeing team.
As a college, we offer a wide range of Wellbeing supports and personnel:
- Overseen by our Assistant Principal, Adrienne Tanner
- Wellbeing Leader – Nicole Costa (Counsellor)
- Youth Worker – James Latu
- Mental Health Practitioner – Amy Hayman (Social Worker)
We are also able to offer students and families access to the following supports:
- We are one of a select few schools to be part of the Doctor’s in Secondary School’s Program – working with the Youth Clinic team from Headspace Knox
- We can offer free dental checks to all interested students through the Australian Dental Health School’s program
- We have access to supports from a social worker, educational psychologist and occupational therapist through the Department of Education
- We have an adolescent health nurse based at our school and available to assist us and work within our health curriculum.
- Foodbank provides Breakfast Club and Lunch items for students to access
- Partnership between ACAP and the college to facilitate a student counselling placement program
To learn more about the role and supports of the wellbeing team plus resources all about health and wellbeing, head on over to The Wellbeing Hub.
The Wellbeing HubChild Safe Standards
The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.
Real Schools
We entered a 3-year partnership with Adam Voigt and Real Schools. Adam is working with us over to introduce Restorative Practices to our staff and entire school community. To get a better idea of what Real Schools is and the work they have been doing and will continue to do with us over the next 2 years, visit the Real Schools website or watch a short video of Adam explaining his work.
Restorative Practices
From our learning with Adam, we have adopted a restorative practices approach through our college. For those of you not familiar with this, it is widely understood that the most profound learning occurs where there is a healthy relationship between teacher and student.
Restorative practises assists teachers, students and parents to build, maintain, and restore relationships. Restorative Practises helps build capacity to enable students to self-regulate behaviour and contribute to the improvement of learning outcomes.
Useful links to wellbeing information for parents:
Parenting support:
ASD and Asperger’s – Support
Mental Health
An On-line cognitive behavior therapy program for anxious children and adolescents and their parents (13 week program).
A cognitive behavior therapy website teaches people to use ways of thinking which help prevent depression.
Eating Disorders
Alcohol & Drug Misuse
Please contact the relevant Sub-school Coordinator or the Wellbeing Team at Boronia K-12 College if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s wellbeing.